The American Center of Excellence offers project management services such as:
- Simplified project management systems;
- Construction Disputes and Claims Management;
- Document Control Systems development;
- Planning and Scheduling;
- Cost Estimating;
- Engineering Value Analysis;
- Project Scope Management;
- Project Management Software supply and implementation;
- Feasibility Studies; and
- Executive Training.
Significant benefits of ACE approach to project management services include:
1. Having a team of construction experts backing up your outsourced services without having to pay for it.
2. Replacing consultants with no cost implications.
3. No visa, transportation or accommodation aggravation.
4. No vacation time productivity loses.
5. No end-of-contract cost.
6. Less expensive than hiring a senior consultant.
7. Guaranteed professional output. and
8. Less risk and hassle for the PMT.
ACE professional services are backed up by the most prestigious engineering associations such as:
- The International Project Management Association;
- The International Cost Engineering Council;
- The Project Management Institute;
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers;
- The American Society of Civil Engineers;
- The Association for Advancement of Cost Engineering; and
- Oracle University.